Sunday, November 20, 2011

George Carlin on freedoms and society

George Carlin - Conspiracy Theorists

George carlin Bankers

Goodbye USA, Hello China

Confirmed US ships heading to attack Iran WW3 IS COMING

Israel may attack Iran this month

WW3 Buildup - Israel Sends Warships to Red Sea (8.31.11) - Iran Sends 15...

FALSE FLAG ALERT Irrational Israel Iran has no bomb poses no threat

Anonymous Educational Series- Judge Napolitano 11-11-11

Transparency Quashed Julian Assange Day Nov 17th

Marine Sgt Thomas had a run-in with non-uniformed NYPD officer at Zuccot...

Girl manhandled pulling by her hair- nypd cop police brutality #N17 #OWS

Amazing video of violence at #OccupySeattle Unprovoked assault by police

Anonymous-Revenge Against the NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg

Retired Philly Police Captain Ray Lewis After The Eviction of OWS From Z...

Capt Ray Lewis Joins OWS Protest,Gives Message to NYPD and Slams The Gre...

Marianne Williamson Speaking on the Occupy Movement

Full Disclosure Network® "the news behind the news": Judicial Benefits & Court Corruption: Powerful Fri...

Full Disclosure Network® "the news behind the news": Judicial Benefits & Court Corruption: Powerful Fri...: Los Angeles, CA The Full Disclosure Network® presents a seven minute preview video featuring excerpts from Part 3 and 4 from an on going ...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Censored Images of War (part 1)

How Hitler Lost The War By Those Who Were There

Amazing Interviews With Those Who Knew Hitler

Hitler's living relatives


Rothschilds-Worlds most Wicked & Wealthiest family

Rockefeller - War is for Profit

Bernie Madoff Brutally Beaten In Prison


Ex-Goldman Sachs Analyst: "Major War" Coming End Of 2012

China Warns Washington: "US Should Stay Away From S.China Sea" (WW3 Watch)


In China, A Video Game That Shoots US Troops - Call Of Duty Style Milita...

China Gives USA Ultimatum if we go to war with Pakistan May 21, 2011

ARE YOU ON THIS LIST - if you are your in huge trouble!!

Obama pre picked by New World Order

Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imported Cocaine

The CIA's Involvement in Drug Trafficking

CIA Torture Jet crashed with 4 Tons of COCAINE

Americans figured out the left-right paradigm fraud long ago

Ed Griffin on the Left / Right Paradigm (Recommended)

Dr. Leon Koziol Introduces the Founding Fathers March to America

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lady Lawyer Educates Bensalem (PA) Cop

Woman Kills Son, Self at Gun Range

Cop Punches Women on Camera

Drunken Ohio Supreme Court Justice Threatens Highway Patrol

Drunken Ohio Supreme Court Justice Threatens Highway Patrol

Judicial Misconduct: U.S. District Judge Edward Nottingham

Penn. Judges Get Kickbacks for Placing Youths in Jails-2 2.

Kids for Cash Judicial Corruption, JLC Update - Conspiracy of Silence Co...

CPS Juvenile Family Court Criminal Racket - Lawyers Judges Activists Speak

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Beheading of an abused maid in saudi arabia

Gaddafi sodomized, tortured, humiliated and murdered

Gaddafi Sodomized With Stick by Rebels? اللواط أيضا مع العصا

The terrible truth about Libya's rebels

Leonor is a Frequent Visitor to Libya - She Tells All

9/11 this footage was aired only once and never seen again ?????????

12yr old Discovers all U.S.A. Presidents+Obama are related to King of En...


Woman molested by cop Cameraman arrested for calling cops Nazis p 1

COPWATCH: Copwatcher Assaulted by Plain Clothes

Copwatch@Occupy Oakland: Beware of Police Infiltrators and Provocateurs

Monday, November 7, 2011

Interview about 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Quasicrystals ; Prof. Daniel Shechtman ; Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The Future of Nano-Electric Power Generation


60 Minutes - Yale University's Skull and Bones Secret Society Part 2 of 2

60 Minutes - Yale University's Skull and Bones Secret Society Part 1 of 2

Professor Sutton on the Skull and Bones secret society 1

Professor Sutton on the Skull and Bones secret society 1

Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

No Excuse For Police Chief Drinking In Uniform

No Excuse For Police Chief Drinking In Uniform

Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

Gov't cameras in your car? E-toll patent hints at Big Brotherish future

4 Star US General Talks The Truth About Iraq Invasion & Future Middle Ea...

'Had there been no OIL in the Middle East, the Middle East would be like Africa, no interventions there'. This is TRUE, the African nations RESOURCES have NO Opposition by their
Country's Leaders who are CORRUPT to the BONE with NO Considerations for their PEOPE, the Environment...scar and poison the land, USE the people for pennies in Inhumane working
conditions even children until they drop Dead...6 Million dead from poverty and pestilence as their Leaders have no consideration for 'humanity' of their people..BAGS of CASH is ALL
they care about. This 4 Star General gives 'insight' into the USA & Western Coalition for the Middle East...take them DOWN and take them OVER one at a time. This has BEEN the Agenda
for Decades. Back in the 70's the American People were SOLD on WAR 'to bring Freedom & Liberties to The People 'over there'; now it is 'to Fight Terrorism'.. Violence begets Violence
WAR KILLS the Innocent including children too and this results in their PEOPLE hating our People. The lower economic rung of society has NO benefit from take over by a Foreign Country
and they SEE the Western invasion as the REASON for their poverty & subjugation. This is WHY the USA in Past generations NEVER fought WARs unless OUR LAND was at THREAT by a
Foreign NATION. 'Economics' and the Transformation of our Government to a Corporatists Government in Partnership with Corporate Monolithic Entities DRIVES decision making for
PROFITS and DEEP POCKETS at the expense of 'humanity' and the 'betterment' of Mankind. When you have a MIGHTY War Weaponry TOOL in your Negotiations Bag, the TONE at the TABLE
is THREATENING to weaker Nations...'trade' goods/services for what I SAY has been the 'way of doing business by the West with the EAST'.. But consider the three Power nation: China, Russia
and the USA..which would you prefer to BE the LEADER/RULER of the globalized economy ?? Russia's Stalin murdered 78 Million, China's Mao murdered 20 Million, Hitler murdered 12 Miilion
having ONE Leader as Dictator of ANY POWER NATION leads to ONE MAN's Ideology and decision making. A BODY of Decision Makers with The PEOPLE having at least SOME SAY in the
process for 'changing FACES of decision makers' for 'humanity' to Prevail. We Must continue to WORK to RESTORE the OVERSIGHT of THE PEOPLE in the Decision Making processes especially
for WAR efforts. Engaging in WAR must ALWAYS be given the HIGHEST deliberation process and VOTE by The PEOPLE because it is THE PEOPLE who suffer the Retaliations. Power Nations:
Empires Rise and FALL, American must NEVER be GUILTY of being the INVADER/OPPRESSOR of other People's. This is WHY Obama was hand Picked: he had Muslim AND Christian heritage...
Amends needed to be MADE after the Bush & Clinton years and their WAR efforts.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Codex Alimentarius pt 1 of 9 - Exposing Their Plans to Use Food as a WEA...

OCCE-REFORM city Government spending

OCCE-REFORM city Government spending


Richard Keonig went after the Oregan Billion dollar licensing scams and they unjustly involuntarily committed him and forced psychotropic drugs
so he couldn't function for his Unjust arrest/KIDNAPING


When bureaucrats can IMPOSE laws, policies and CODES without the People's Consent or knowledge, this is NOT a Democracy. Government is BANKRUPT and hungry for MONEY...
Government is becoming Increasingly Predatory against its citizenship


When bureaucrats can IMPOSE laws, policies and CODES without the People's Consent or knowledge, this is NOT a Democracy. Government is BANKRUPT and hungry for MONEY...
Government is growing increasingly Predatory by the DAY

OCCE violations Victim 14

When bureaucrats can IMPOSE laws, policies and CODES without the People's Consent or knowledge, this is NOT a Democracy. Government is BANKRUPT and hungry for MONEY...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Noam Chomsky - Global Hegemony: the Facts, the Images, April 20, 2011.

Noam Chomsky gives a good summary of the horse & pony show 'lame duck congress' and its purpose we The People
were spectators to.

The Bush era brought us to this dumping ground with the created WAR on Iraq that FED the WAR INdustry's
and brought the boogy man 'terrorist' label after insurgents failed to generate the FEAR and of course the
kicker was the 9/11 incident.

History will prove how VILE the Bush Gang really was as The Sheeple today are too busy bickering in their groups
and between groups groveling over the scraps from the Table of the super rich/

We can thank both Bush & Obama gangs for their Payoff to the Corporatist Campaign backers, the Bail OUT package was PARTY TIME
with champagne and caviar by the bucket loads.

Welcome to the Banana Republic and selling OUR kids and grandkids futures. Anonymous will shut Wall Street
schemes and scams where the lying thieves BANK all the money STOLEN off the PEople's backs and we can
all get back to work and dig out our HOLE.

We Do Not Forgive, We do Not Forgive
Anonymous JUSTICE

Does Activism Matter?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Rage Against the Machine DOC (part 5 of 10)

Imagine if we used science and technology for the BETTERMENT of ManKind vs WAR Weaponry and the KILLING of ManKind. WE build to atomic bomb and the machinery was all in Place just waiting for the opportunity to drop it and PROVE our Military Superiority. Interestingly, we choose the Japanese to drop the Atomic bombs and not Germany as the bureaucrats Said: 'to end the WAR'. It was Easier to pick out the marked differences in the Japanese vs the Germans who looked too much like does one explain killing tens of thousands of white, blond haired children. WE rounded up the American-Japanese and put them into concentration camps but we didn't have the data banks to round up the American-Germans. NEVER Swallow what a Bureaucrat Says, they are schooled and skilled in using Language to DECEIVE as Killing of human beings is the price 'we' PAY for their POWER & AFFLUENCE. Our sons & daughters spill their BLOOD while the Bureaucrats sons & daughters receive special dispensations.

Joseph Campbell -To find your own way is to follow your bless.

Q&A: W. Joseph Campbell

Those professions that are the RULING class busy themselves with handing out Awards, Accolades to their own not based on Merrit but based on POWER & Affluence: Journalism, Politics, Lawyers/Judges, Psychiatry... all the Professions that make their MONEY byway of LANGUAGE: MAN's greatest Tool of DECEPTION & FRAUD. When the Free Press became partnered with our Corporatist Government, the American People and the World LOST its OVERSIGHT to curtail Corruption; thus our government & its two Political Party TRAITOR System became a criminal organization operating FAR outside Constitutional Law progressing to a Pseudo Democracy and finally to Tyranny perpetuating Egregious Crimes Against Humanity along the way overthrowing governments and killing MILLIONS of innocent people. Our USA leaders will go down in History right up their with Stalin & Mao as they worked to build their Clandestine Serfdom Empire. Welcome to Amerikkka, One Nation Under Fraud.

Michael Pollan's: "Don't Buy Any Food You've Ever Seen Advertised". Demo...

Add more servings to your daily diets; the problem is the COST of fresh produce makes 'healthy eating' cost prohibitive for a growing population in Amerikkkka. The school lunch program is a HUGE ripe off and is outrageously Unhealthy for our children that no only did the Two Political Party TAITOR system know for decades but continued to make it more corrupt and deep pocketed with their PARTNERSHIPS in the Agricultural Industries and their school lunch programs.

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL | Michael Pollan Interview, Pt. 1 | PBS

The Secret Government

This is why IRAN HATES America

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Elizabeth Warren, We Have A Real Problem Coming... (UNDERSTANDING NWO EC...

Warren - The Future of the US economy

The crushing of small and mid sized AMERICAN banks by Globalized Monolithic Corporate Banksters and their Ponzi Schemes and Scams, as Elizabeth Warren Warned the American people about is taking shape because they worked to BOOT Elizabeth OUT as Head of their OVERSIGHT commission... Elizabeth Warren is an HONEST Lawyer with INTEGRITY Skilled in Financial tools and Legalese whom these Thieves could NOT BUY OFF. Please consider donating to her Campaign for US Senator so Wall Street and Banking will again be SAFE for Americans to Invest and do business again.

Elizabeth Warren Explains the Financial Mess in Terms Anyone Can Underst...

Wall street Thieves worked to PREVENT Elizabeth Warren from being appointed to Oversee and STOP their ponzi scams. Please consider donating to Elizabeth Warren's Campaign for US Senator because SHE unlike the Crooks in Congress has the Skills and INTEGRITY to Lobby HARD to PROTECT the People's Investments from Bankster and Wall Street Thieves.

Elizabeth Warren Makes Timmy Geithner Squirm Over AIG and Goldman Sachs ...

My Announcement

Wall street Thieves worked to prevent Elizabeth Warren from being Appointed as their Oversight because they KNEW she had the skills to uncover their complex ponzi schemes and the INTEGRITY to STOP them. Please consider donating to her Campaign for US Senate so Wall Street will once again be SAFE for THe People's Investments.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Freeman and Strawman Explained

Anyone who has a family member or Friend as a Lawyer should DIS OWN them... they have Participated to STEAL our JUSTICE
and are the Money/land grabbers for the Corporation their work out of: the government run courts. The Judge is a politically
appointed attorney given a Government official position to STEAL and fill their pockets with back room deals they make
with fellow lawyers/lawfirms...the legalese SLEAZE society.. the Judge is the KING/QUEEN who makes the rackets and scams
these Legal criminals cook up in the civil and family courts... in the criminal court, it is to hold you HOSTAGE for non harm
crimes and make you PAY these legal criminals and their thugs with guns.

Season of Treason Full

Watch the video to Learn how The TWO Political Parties have STOLEN our Rights and how they STEAL our income and assets in Violation of Constitutional Law; writing laws, CODES and Imposing them with minions of paper pushing drones, rubber stamping politically appointed government attorneys with gavels and their thugs with guns.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Israel map throughout history

Glenn Beck, RFK Jr, Global Warming Part 2 (7/18/07)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: truth about the Bush presidency 1

Thimerosal causes Autism - Robert Kennedy jr.

Robert Kennedy is afflicted with spasmodic dysphonia and you will note his breath sounds and voice sound peculiar .


John Niems is a 911 'truther'...many of his claims pose serious questions of a cover up. With so much evidence destroyed by Federal authorities, we may never know the TRUTH of all that went on re 911 as to whether or not it was 'an inside job' or just prolific incompetence which is what I believe. It is too horrific to contemplate that Bush and crew would have been involved although he and crew gained considerable profiteering opportunities for 'crisis' that led to WAR and their WAR industries to flourish but it IS customary for these high powered players TO capitalize on crises as they have the opportunity to do so. It would also be customary for the government to cover up mistakes and errors to limit liability payouts of taxpayer dollars and in this case.. such sheer incompetence in the hands of our Enemies would have put our country and people at further considerable risk.

Innocent People

Friday, September 2, 2011

Helen Thomas on Her Resignation and Middle East

We have Liberal talking heads and Right wing Talking heads pointing out the LIES and Corruption of the other side while the SHEEPLE divide choosing sides; thus, BOTH Political Party's who have LIED and STOLEN our Rights, income/Assets & Wealth LAUGH and FEED off our backs. Time to WAKE UP Amerikkka and STOP playing the Games: Both party's have SOLD out America and our People; they have Stolen our Justice, elections process and our Rights & Liberties. We The People have LITTLE means to STOP them now and soon our ONLY Measure will BE out in the Streets like other Oppressed People around the globe slaughtered by Regimes. What will you DO when you no longer can FEED your family and government only provides you Paper they call Services? Be criminalized as Millions of Americans have been? Commit suicide as tens of thousands are now doing? What is YOUR Plan? Hope and Pray for Change? Haven't We been doing that for Two Administrations? Time to get our Heads OUT OF THE SAND and FACE Reality.

Religion has been a Political Tool since the advent of Language and Since the Advent of language, those Professions that use Language for their 'bread and butter': Religion, Politics, Law, Psychology have Risen UP to Power Positions to SCAM, hoodwink and bushwhack the citizenship into WARs, stealing of their Money/Assets/Wealth and subjugating People into Sheeple for slaughter.

Jon Stewart - The Math on Terror

We have Liberal talking heads and Right wing Talking heads pointing out the LIES and Corruption of the other side while the SHEEPLE divide choosing sides; thus, BOTH Political Party's who have LIED and STOLEN our Rights, income/Assets & Wealth LAUGH and FEED off our backs. Time to WAKE UP Amerikkka and STOP playing the Games: Both party's have SOLD out America and our People; they have Stolen our Justice, elections process and our Rights & Liberties. We The People have LITTLE means to STOP them now and soon our ONLY Measure will BE out in the Streets like other Oppressed People around the globe slaughtered by Regimes. What will you DO when you no longer can FEED your family and government only provides you Paper they call Services? Be criminalized as Millions of Americans have been? Commit suicide as tens of thousands are now doing? What is YOUR Plan? Hope and Pray for Change? Haven't We been doing that for Two Administrations? Time to get our Heads OUT OF THE SAND and FACE Reality.

Jon Stewart sums up Wall Street in 15 seconds

Jon Stewart - Dick Cheney Hunting Accident - Day 1

Dick Cheney shot Harry Whittington on purpose: Proof.

Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney

Peter Schiff: 'QE2 is the reason for recession'

Foreign students - modern day slaves?

Skeptical on Syria: 'Media reports framed & manipulated'

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Leaked UN report outlines plan for Libya

Larry Silverstein no response to WTC 7 lies

"NO PLANE HIT THE PENTAGON" only once aired report

RFK to Johnson Why did you kill my brother

JFK Conspiracy? PROOF finally revealed! (with SOUND) Sewer RATS?

JFK - The Death of Eyewitness Lee Bowers

JFK telling us the 911 truth

1961 speech Eisenhower Warns us of New World Order


Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN

Shot Fired Into Home of Lou Dobbs of CNN!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!

8/23/2011 -- UPTICK continues -- 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Virginia - ...

Earthquake Shakes East Coast And Is Felt In Connecticut

Earthquake Shakes East Coast And Is Felt In Connecticut

Operation Liberation - A Message From Anonymous to WWASP

Mom throws baby from top of parking garage

Mom throws baby from top of parking garage

Child Protective Servics, CPS and their care systems such as foster care
are the most prolific abusers of children ripe with Pedophiles as well,
next in line for abusers of children are their biological mothers.

Fathers are targeted by the family courts and have been for decades,
setting up the ABUSE for mothers as well as the Removal by CPS
and the 'kids for cash' industry at taxpayer expense. This is why
the social security and Medicare program funds were Plundered.

Clean up the STATE governments waste, fraud and deep pockets
in their 'service' programs and RESTART the economy. These
crimes against humanity are also dragging down our society; these
kids they 'raise' with ABUSE remain in the 'system' at taxpayer
expense well into their adult years. Mental illness from abuse
goes untreated.. drug us in care becomes criminal behaviors
as adults.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Part1e1 - You, your rights, the trust, courts, Law and more

Part2e1 - the Name, the Trust, your Role in Court

How 2 Wake Up.

Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imported Cocaine


US Govt. largest illegal drug dealer in world history

Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans! TubeTruthe...


Govabuse Nationwide protest recap 08/14 by Nancy Rolfe | Blog Talk Radio

Govabuse Nationwide protest recap 08/14 by Nancy Rolfe | Blog Talk Radio. As the Predatory practices perpetuated by
Government's so called Protection Agencies and their rubber stamping government courts are producing VAST numbers
of Victims destroying family's to STEAL their income and assets ABDUCTING children, elders and the disabled for their
14/7 Abuse care systems, increasing numbers are Hitting the Streets in Protest as NO Administrative, Legislative or
Judicial Process is WORKING to EFFECTIVELY resolve these crimes as it BENEFITS them.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sandy Fonzo berates Luzerne County Judge Mark Ciavarella for killing her...

CCR - Bad Moon Rising

Suicide Bomber who Killed CIA Agents was Well-Known Trusted Informant

Interview #07 (Washington, DC)

The Clinton Chronicles

Protest at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges 74th...

The Art of Corporate Mind Control

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -

Fibonacci - World's most mysterious number

Neil Slade Brain Magic Part 1- History, Reptile & Mammal Br

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fr. Corapi on Notre Dame Scandal

AWOL staff sergeant doubts Obama’s citizenship - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

AWOL staff sergeant doubts Obama’s citizenship - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Anonymous a Message to Obama from Anonymous

Julian Assange Explains Who The Bastards Are

US Lies About WikiLeaks, Shocking!

EXCLUSIVE: FBI After Anonymous


Internet Censorship Hits the U.S. and U.K. - News Clip Round-up - July -...

Pass It Around (Full Length)