Saturday, October 1, 2011

Noam Chomsky - Global Hegemony: the Facts, the Images, April 20, 2011.

Noam Chomsky gives a good summary of the horse & pony show 'lame duck congress' and its purpose we The People
were spectators to.

The Bush era brought us to this dumping ground with the created WAR on Iraq that FED the WAR INdustry's
and brought the boogy man 'terrorist' label after insurgents failed to generate the FEAR and of course the
kicker was the 9/11 incident.

History will prove how VILE the Bush Gang really was as The Sheeple today are too busy bickering in their groups
and between groups groveling over the scraps from the Table of the super rich/

We can thank both Bush & Obama gangs for their Payoff to the Corporatist Campaign backers, the Bail OUT package was PARTY TIME
with champagne and caviar by the bucket loads.

Welcome to the Banana Republic and selling OUR kids and grandkids futures. Anonymous will shut Wall Street
schemes and scams where the lying thieves BANK all the money STOLEN off the PEople's backs and we can
all get back to work and dig out our HOLE.

We Do Not Forgive, We do Not Forgive
Anonymous JUSTICE

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