Monday, September 26, 2011

Rage Against the Machine DOC (part 5 of 10)

Imagine if we used science and technology for the BETTERMENT of ManKind vs WAR Weaponry and the KILLING of ManKind. WE build to atomic bomb and the machinery was all in Place just waiting for the opportunity to drop it and PROVE our Military Superiority. Interestingly, we choose the Japanese to drop the Atomic bombs and not Germany as the bureaucrats Said: 'to end the WAR'. It was Easier to pick out the marked differences in the Japanese vs the Germans who looked too much like does one explain killing tens of thousands of white, blond haired children. WE rounded up the American-Japanese and put them into concentration camps but we didn't have the data banks to round up the American-Germans. NEVER Swallow what a Bureaucrat Says, they are schooled and skilled in using Language to DECEIVE as Killing of human beings is the price 'we' PAY for their POWER & AFFLUENCE. Our sons & daughters spill their BLOOD while the Bureaucrats sons & daughters receive special dispensations.

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