Saturday, September 3, 2011


John Niems is a 911 'truther'...many of his claims pose serious questions of a cover up. With so much evidence destroyed by Federal authorities, we may never know the TRUTH of all that went on re 911 as to whether or not it was 'an inside job' or just prolific incompetence which is what I believe. It is too horrific to contemplate that Bush and crew would have been involved although he and crew gained considerable profiteering opportunities for 'crisis' that led to WAR and their WAR industries to flourish but it IS customary for these high powered players TO capitalize on crises as they have the opportunity to do so. It would also be customary for the government to cover up mistakes and errors to limit liability payouts of taxpayer dollars and in this case.. such sheer incompetence in the hands of our Enemies would have put our country and people at further considerable risk.

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