Friday, September 2, 2011

Helen Thomas on Her Resignation and Middle East

We have Liberal talking heads and Right wing Talking heads pointing out the LIES and Corruption of the other side while the SHEEPLE divide choosing sides; thus, BOTH Political Party's who have LIED and STOLEN our Rights, income/Assets & Wealth LAUGH and FEED off our backs. Time to WAKE UP Amerikkka and STOP playing the Games: Both party's have SOLD out America and our People; they have Stolen our Justice, elections process and our Rights & Liberties. We The People have LITTLE means to STOP them now and soon our ONLY Measure will BE out in the Streets like other Oppressed People around the globe slaughtered by Regimes. What will you DO when you no longer can FEED your family and government only provides you Paper they call Services? Be criminalized as Millions of Americans have been? Commit suicide as tens of thousands are now doing? What is YOUR Plan? Hope and Pray for Change? Haven't We been doing that for Two Administrations? Time to get our Heads OUT OF THE SAND and FACE Reality.

Religion has been a Political Tool since the advent of Language and Since the Advent of language, those Professions that use Language for their 'bread and butter': Religion, Politics, Law, Psychology have Risen UP to Power Positions to SCAM, hoodwink and bushwhack the citizenship into WARs, stealing of their Money/Assets/Wealth and subjugating People into Sheeple for slaughter.

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