Sunday, November 8, 2009

Protestor maliciously prosecuted

Hi folks,

Protestors across this country are being harassed, arrested and maliciously prosecuted on
bogus charges.

We are reaching out for Americans to STAND UP. Donald Tenn protested the kidnapping of
his daughter by Family Court and was arrested for his 'crane protest' for VANDALISM. There
was NO vandalism. See Donald Tenn's facebook and/or Myspace pages for video and details.

Trial starts Monday, Nov 9th and is sched for three days. Prosecutor David M. Bucman wants Donald in prison for 18 months. Donald's lawyer: Mark Kafantaris tells Don to prepare himself
for a long prison sentence. The State has NO evidence of vandalism, Kafantaris needs to put on
a REAL defense. Please flood his email, phone and fax:, 614-223-1444
Fax 614-221-3713.

The Trial will be held in Columbus OHIO, 369 South High Street; courtroom 6A sixth Floor. Please attend if at all possible, we need to pack the court room with witnesses of this trial and protestors outside the court. Any time you can spare, even an hour is greatly appreciated.

WE need to stand up for our First Amendment Rights without fear of harassment, arrests and unjust incarcerations on bogus charges because of weak or NO defense and a 'controlling' government that uses its INjustice System as it's dirty tool.

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