Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Sad Truth To Why Most People May Not Wake Up!

8/23/2011 -- UPTICK continues -- 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Virginia - ...

Earthquake Shakes East Coast And Is Felt In Connecticut

Earthquake Shakes East Coast And Is Felt In Connecticut

Operation Liberation - A Message From Anonymous to WWASP

Mom throws baby from top of parking garage

Mom throws baby from top of parking garage

Child Protective Servics, CPS and their care systems such as foster care
are the most prolific abusers of children ripe with Pedophiles as well,
next in line for abusers of children are their biological mothers.

Fathers are targeted by the family courts and have been for decades,
setting up the ABUSE for mothers as well as the Removal by CPS
and the 'kids for cash' industry at taxpayer expense. This is why
the social security and Medicare program funds were Plundered.

Clean up the STATE governments waste, fraud and deep pockets
in their 'service' programs and RESTART the economy. These
crimes against humanity are also dragging down our society; these
kids they 'raise' with ABUSE remain in the 'system' at taxpayer
expense well into their adult years. Mental illness from abuse
goes untreated.. drug us in care becomes criminal behaviors
as adults.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Part1e1 - You, your rights, the trust, courts, Law and more

Part2e1 - the Name, the Trust, your Role in Court

How 2 Wake Up.

Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imported Cocaine


US Govt. largest illegal drug dealer in world history

Powerful message from former (C.I.A. Agent) to all Americans! TubeTruthe...


Govabuse Nationwide protest recap 08/14 by Nancy Rolfe | Blog Talk Radio

Govabuse Nationwide protest recap 08/14 by Nancy Rolfe | Blog Talk Radio. As the Predatory practices perpetuated by
Government's so called Protection Agencies and their rubber stamping government courts are producing VAST numbers
of Victims destroying family's to STEAL their income and assets ABDUCTING children, elders and the disabled for their
14/7 Abuse care systems, increasing numbers are Hitting the Streets in Protest as NO Administrative, Legislative or
Judicial Process is WORKING to EFFECTIVELY resolve these crimes as it BENEFITS them.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sandy Fonzo berates Luzerne County Judge Mark Ciavarella for killing her...

CCR - Bad Moon Rising

Suicide Bomber who Killed CIA Agents was Well-Known Trusted Informant

Interview #07 (Washington, DC)

The Clinton Chronicles

Protest at the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges 74th...

The Art of Corporate Mind Control

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - AE911Truth.org

Fibonacci - World's most mysterious number

Neil Slade Brain Magic Part 1- History, Reptile & Mammal Br

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fr. Corapi on Notre Dame Scandal

AWOL staff sergeant doubts Obama’s citizenship - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

AWOL staff sergeant doubts Obama’s citizenship - Air Force News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Air Force Times

Anonymous a Message to Obama from Anonymous

Julian Assange Explains Who The Bastards Are

US Lies About WikiLeaks, Shocking!

EXCLUSIVE: FBI After Anonymous


Internet Censorship Hits the U.S. and U.K. - News Clip Round-up - July -...

Pass It Around (Full Length)